Too Many Choices? 8 Ways to Find the Best Mini Split For Your Home

Too Many Choices? 8 Ways to Find the Best Mini Split For Your Home

Blueridge Ductless Mini-Split AC Systems

You are not alone if you have decided that a ductless mini-split system is the best air conditioning system for your home.

And – if you find yourself overwhelmed with ductless mini-split choices, you are not alone in that camp either.

Over the past twenty years, the number of homes and businesses that have transitioned their heating and cooling needs away from traditional HVAC systems and have invested instead in the innovative solution of a ductless mini split has been significant.

But as the demand for mini-split systems continues to increase, so too do the number of options available and the number of companies manufacturing them.

How do you know what to choose?


  • More HVAC mini-split options are on the market than ever before.
  • Knowing which type and model you need will go a long way in helping you make your decision.
  • Consider a free consultation with an HVAC professional to help you make the final choice.

What was once a product intended for places like commercial buildings, older apartments, and hotels has now become a widespread and practical solution for homes and workplaces of all sizes.


Ductless mini-split systems, known for their efficiency, flexibility, and compact design, have gained some serious traction in the HVAC system market.

But as their advantages quickly became evident to home and business owners everywhere, the challenge to choose the best mini split has also grown.

From how many indoor units you need to what to look for in a reputable HVAC company, there are plenty of questions surrounding mini-split systems.

Let’s provide you with some answers so you can find the best mini-split system for your needs.

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#1: Assess Your Home’s Needs

When considering a mini split heating and cooling system for your home, it’s essential to thoroughly assess your home’s unique requirements.

Understanding your home’s size, layout, and insulation levels will be crucial in determining the correct heating and cooling capacity for optimal performance and maintaining an energy-efficient home.

Here are some key points to consider:

Size and Layout of Your Space:

The square footage of your home and its layout greatly influence the size of the mini split system you’ll need. Larger homes may require multiple indoor units or higher capacity systems, while a single indoor unit may adequately serve smaller spaces.

Insulation and Energy Efficiency:

Your home’s insulation quality and level affect how well it retains heat or stays cool. Well-insulated homes are more energy-efficient and may require a smaller capacity system to maintain desired temperatures.

Climate Conditions:

Consider the climate of your region. Areas with harsh winters or scorching summers may require a higher heating or cooling capacity system to ensure your comfort during extreme weather conditions.

Temperature Extremes:

Assess the temperature extremes that your region experiences. Extremely cold or hot temperatures can impact the performance of your mini-split system, making it essential to choose a unit that can handle such conditions efficiently.

Zoning and Room Usage:

Determine which rooms or areas of your home require heating and cooling the most. The best mini-split will offer customizable zoning capabilities, allowing you to control the comfort levels in different zones or rooms based on your usage patterns.

Assessing these factors helps you decide your home’s appropriate mini-split system size and capacity.

Working with HVAC professionals can further refine your understanding and ensure your system aligns perfectly with your home’s heating and cooling needs.

#2: Know the Energy Efficiency and SEER Ratings

When choosing a mini-split system for your home, energy efficiency is a critical factor that impacts the environment and your long-term operating costs.

High energy efficiency in a mini-split system translates to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

A more efficient system optimizes electricity use, resulting in cost savings and a smaller carbon footprint.

Understanding the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) Rating

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is a crucial piece when you are evaluating a system’s efficiency.

A SEER rating measures the cooling efficiency of an air conditioning system. It represents the ratio of the cooling output (measured in BTU or British thermal units) to the energy input (measured in watt-hours) over a typical cooling season.

The SEER rating quantifies how effective an HVAC system is at providing cooling for a given amount of energy input.

A higher SEER rating indicates greater energy efficiency and better performance.

This is great news for anyone considering a ductless mini-split.


Ductless mini splits with higher SEER ratings are more effective at converting energy into cooling output than other types of air conditioners, which can result in lower energy consumption and utility bills.

To help understand this further, the U.S. Department of Energy has established guidelines and minimum SEER requirements for new residential air conditioning systems, and these requirements have been updated over the years to promote energy conservation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Ductless Mini Split System

Mini split systems are known for their high energy efficiency, and they typically have SEER ratings that exceed those of traditional central air conditioning systems.

The SEER ratings for mini splits can vary depending on the brand, model, and specific technology, but they often range from 16 to 30 or even higher.

Remember that while higher SEER-rated systems might have a higher upfront cost, the potential long-term savings on energy bills can make them a worthwhile investment over time. Additionally, some areas and utility companies offer rebates or incentives for purchasing high-efficiency systems, which can offset the initial cost to install mini split systems.

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#3: Single, Double, Triple, or more? Decide on the Type of System

When exploring ductless mini-splits for your home, it’s essential to consider the type, size, and style of the system that best suits your needs.

Understanding the differences between single-zone and multi-zone configurations can help you make an informed decision:


Single-Zone Systems:

These systems provide heating and cooling to a single room or area. They consist of one outdoor unit connected to one indoor unit. Single-zone systems are ideal for targeting a specific space, such as a bedroom, home office, or living room.

Single-zone systems offer simplicity and cost-effectiveness for individual room comfort. They allow you to focus on the areas where you spend the most time and customize the temperature to your preference.

Multi-Zone Systems:

Multi-zone systems provide heating and cooling to multiple rooms or zones within your home. They consist of one outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor units (also called indoor air handlers) placed in different areas or zones. Popular sizes include 2-zone (or dual-zone), 3-zone, 4-zone, and 5-zone mini-split systems.

Multi zone systems offer customized comfort for each room or zone. A particular benefit for larger homes with multiple living spaces is that a multi-zone mini-split allows family members to adjust the temperature according to each person’s preference.

Multi-zone systems also let you create distinct temperature zones for different areas.

For example, during the summer, you can keep the bedrooms cooler at night while maintaining a higher temperature in the living areas.

As you consider the mini split system type, assess your home’s layout, the number of rooms you want to condition, and your overall comfort preferences. Whether you opt for a single-zone system for targeted comfort or a multi-zone system for customized control, both options offer efficient and effective solutions for heating and cooling your home.

#4: High Wall, Low Wall, or Ceiling? Decide on the Type of Indoor Unit

When choosing the best mini-split system for your home, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is selecting the type of indoor unit (or indoor units) that will best suit your needs and preferences.

Mini split systems offer three main types of indoor units: high wall-mounted, low wall-mounted, and ceiling-mounted air handlers.

Though each type of mini-split air conditioner has advantages and considerations, the ability to tailor your choice to your home’s layout, aesthetics, and comfort requirements is a considerable benefit of mini-split systems.

mini split wall mounted

High-Wall Units:

High-wall indoor units are the most common type of ductless mini split air conditioners.

These units are typically mounted high on a wall near the ceiling. They provide efficient heating and cooling by distributing air evenly throughout the room.

High-wall units are well-suited for most residential applications and balance efficient airflow with a discreet installation site. They come in various sleek designs and styles to complement different room aesthetics.

Mini Split Floor Units

Low-Wall Units:

Low-wall indoor units are mounted on the wall at or near floor level. They are ideal for spaces where a high-wall or ceiling placement is not practical or desired, whether for functional or aesthetic reasons. Low-wall units have a low profile, slimmer than some high-wall styles.

Low-wall units provide efficient heating close to the floor, making them especially effective in spaces where occupants spend a lot of time seated or lying down, such as offices, playrooms, nurseries, home gyms, and bedrooms.

These units also suit rooms with limited wall space or large windows. Remember that low-wall units require adequate space around them and may be more noticeable than high-wall or ceiling-mounted units.

mini split ceiling unit

Ceiling-Mounted Units:

Ceiling-mounted indoor units are installed in the ceiling, usually centered in the room.

These units are ideal for spaces with limited wall space or where furniture or other obstacles may obstruct high or low wall-mounted units.

Ceiling units provide effective air distribution and can create a seamless, uncluttered look in the room. They are popular for commercial settings, large open floor plan spaces, and rooms with unique layouts.

When deciding on an indoor unit type, consider room size, layout, furniture placement, and aesthetic preferences.

Consider consulting with one of our HVAC experts to help you choose the unit(s) that will provide optimal comfort for you and your space while seamlessly integrating with your interior design.

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#5: Know Your Noise Level Needs

When evaluating mini split systems for your home, it’s essential to consider the noise levels they produce, especially if you plan to install indoor units in bedrooms, offices, or other quiet spaces.


Noise can significantly impact your comfort and overall satisfaction with any mini split air conditioner unit, particularly if the unit occupies a space where you prefer to maintain low sound levels.

Children’s rooms, conference rooms, and TV rooms are all areas where you’ll want to choose a ductless air conditioner unit that may be big on performance…but is quiet about it!

What’s My Decibel Rating?

The noise produced by ductless air conditioners is measured in decibels (dB).

Lower decibel ratings indicate quieter operation. If noise concerns you, look for indoor units with low dB ratings.

Many modern mini-split systems are designed with advanced technology to minimize operational noise, ensuring you can enjoy a serene atmosphere.

#6: Know a Mini Split’s Maintenance Reviews

While the initial cost of a mini-split system is important, it’s equally crucial to budget for ongoing maintenance to ensure the system’s longevity and optimal performance.

Proper maintenance of your ductless mini split AC extends its lifespan and helps maintain energy efficiency.

Here’s what you need to know about budgeting for maintenance:

  • Mini split systems have user-friendly features that facilitate maintenance tasks.
    Many models have easily accessible filters that can be cleaned or replaced without professional assistance. This accessibility streamlines the maintenance process and reduces the need for frequent technician visits.
  • HVAC professionals in your area should be able to service leading ductless mini-split systems on the market.
    While homeowners can do many maintenance tasks, some aspects of mini-split maintenance require professional expertise.
    Budget for periodic professional servicing to ensure that refrigerant levels are correct, electrical components are functioning correctly, and overall system performance is optimized.

Educating yourself and incorporating maintenance costs into your budget demonstrates a commitment to preserving the functionality and efficiency of your mini-split system.

By staying on top of routine maintenance and promptly addressing any issues, you can enjoy reliable, energy-efficient comfort for many seasons.

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#7: Know Your (All-In) Budget

When considering a mini-split system for your heating and cooling needs, it’s essential to understand your budget clearly.

While the upfront cost is a significant factor, it’s essential to consider immediate expenses and the long-term savings a mini-split system can offer.

Here’s how to approach understanding your all-in budget:

  1. Upfront Costs: The initial cost of purchasing and installing a mini-split system includes the price of indoor and outdoor units, refrigerant lines, installation materials, and professional installation if required. Consider obtaining quotes from reputable HVAC contractors to get a realistic estimate of these upfront expenses, especially if you think you will have a professional install your mini split system.
  2. Energy Efficiency and Savings: Consider the long-term savings a mini-split system can provide through energy-efficient operation. While the upfront cost may be higher than modifying a conventional HVAC system, the energy savings over time can offset this initial investment. Look for models with high SEER ratings indicating greater energy efficiency.
  3. Maintenance and Repairs: Factor in ongoing maintenance costs, such as filter replacements and professional servicing, to ensure your system continues operating efficiently. While maintenance costs are generally lower for mini-split systems compared to traditional systems, they should still be included in your budget calculations.
  4. Return on Investment (ROI): Consider the ROI a mini-split system can provide. Calculate how long it will take for the energy savings to pay back the initial investment. Remember that a more efficient system may provide a quicker ROI, leading to reduced utility bills.
  5. Financing Options: If the upfront cost poses a challenge, explore financing options available through HVAC companies or financial institutions. Many companies offer flexible payment plans to help you manage the initial expenses while enjoying the benefits of a mini-split system.
  6. Tax Credits: Spend time looking up your state’s regulations and the IRS’s current tax incentives and credits for individuals installing a ductless mini split system in their home or business. Many states have excellent programs to financially reward taxpayers for their energy-efficient efforts and help prove how much your ductless mini-split is worth from an environmental perspective.

Understanding your all-in budget involves looking beyond the initial price tag and considering the financial implications of choosing a mini-split system.

By factoring in energy savings, maintenance costs, and long-term benefits, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and provides efficient and comfortable heating and cooling for your home.

#8: Ask the Experts

When choosing the right mini-split system for your home, seeking the advice of experts and gathering insights from various sources can help you make an informed decision.

Here are some of the best places to go for honest and relevant reviews and recommendations:

1. Well-Respected HVAC Experts: Reach out to HVAC professionals with mini-split system experience. They can assess your home’s needs, recommend suitable options based on your requirements, and provide valuable insights into the performance and compatibility of different models.

You can do this locally by finding reputable HVAC individuals in your area who may be willing to do a free consultation onsite. Alternatively, you can reach out to the highly qualified experts at Alpine Home Air Products, who can work with you to find the best mini-split system for your needs.

a friendly neighbor

2. Neighborly Advice: Speak to neighbors who have installed mini-split systems in your area.

Their firsthand experience can offer insights into the performance, efficiency, and reliability of specific brands and models.

They can also provide practical tips and suggestions based on their usage, which is particularly helpful if they live in the same or similar neighborhood and if your homes are comparable in size, age, and layout.

3. Read Professional Reviews: Find reputable HVAC review websites and publications that comprehensively assess various mini-split systems.

Professional reviews often include detailed analysis of features, energy efficiency, noise levels, and overall performance, helping you narrow down your choices.

4. Customer Reviews: Explore customer reviews and testimonials on manufacturer websites, online marketplaces, and forums dedicated to HVAC discussions.

Real-life experiences shared by homeowners who have installed mini split systems can offer valuable insights into the pros and cons of different models and give you a chance to gain an unbiased opinion from people in a similar situation to yours.

Two women sitting on a leather sofa, looking at each other.

By seeking expert advice, gathering opinions from neighbors, and researching professional and customer reviews, you can understand the best mini-split system for your specific requirements.

Learning about a mini split’s installation costs, track record, and pros and cons will ensure optimal comfort, energy efficiency, and long-term satisfaction with your HVAC investment.

Ready to Learn More? Reach Out to the Experts at Alpine 

Whether you’re ready to leap into the world of ductless mini splits or still looking for the best mini split for your home, Alpine Home Air is here to help.


With more than 20 years of experience in the world of HVAC, our team of experts is ready and eager to assist you in finding the perfect solution for your heating and cooling needs.

Alpine Home Air Products has long been committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, and we take pride in offering top-notch products like Blueridge mini-splits designed to provide exceptional comfort and energy efficiency.

We know you have a choice when it comes to how you are going to heat and cool your home. At Alpine, we want to sell you more than a product. We want to help you navigate the maze of ductless mini-split options out there and ensure you end up with a product you can feel confident will serve you well for many years to come.

Ductless Mini Split System

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns or for expert advice on selecting the right mini-split system for your space.Contact us, and let’s begin your journey toward a more efficient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly way of heating and cooling your world today!

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