Safe-T-Switch Electronic Condensate Overflow Switch
Safe-T-Switch Electronic Condensate Overflow Switch
Model: Rectorseal SS610E

Model: Rectorseal SS610E
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The SS610E Safe-T-Switch Electronic Condensate Overflow Switch is specially designed for use in standard wall mount Mini Split systems.
Its small Sensor can easily fit in the confined internal spaces of most units. It can also be installed directly in the Drain Pan or clipped to the unit’s Coils. SS610E’s CPU unit is housed in an attractive casing that can be mounted directly to the side of the unit. It uses power from A/C unit so no batteries are required.
The Electronic Condensate Overflow Switch contains low power consuming, state-of the-art microelectronics. SS610E’s logic circuit continuously samples the probes for water. If water is detected, the circuit determines if the condition is transient or permanent. If permanent, the system will be shutdown. The power will aurtomatically turn back on when the water subsides. Onboard LED’s indicate the condition of the unit.
- Rectorseal SS610 Brochure(PDF, 444 KB)
- Rectorseal SS610E Submittal(PDF, 238 KB)
- Rectorseal SS610E Spec Sheet(PDF, 180 KB)